Sunday, February 28, 2010

The One when Jess celebrates my birthday.

When Nicole turned 18 I started a birthday breakfast tradition. We put every possible birthday decoration all over the dining room and then make breakfast. This is Jessie's version of my birthday breakfast! I will post past birthday fun soon.

Yes... I'm 39 and poor Dave gets scraps. Thanks Jess. I heart you kid!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The One when Karlee gets her drivers license!

She looks just a little happy, doesn't she? She has been practicing and waiting and waiting and practicing and she finally did it!
No weird questions. No silly moments... well except her 8 errors were 6 for traffic check errors and 2 blinker errors! Both of which we hammered all the way to the DMV!

I am little sad that this part of my parenting is gone forever.... sniff. But I am proud of her!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The One they call my twin.

I had a kindergartener tell me once, "Your face looks like her face!"

The One when Jessica isn't afraid to ask.... anything.

Ya gotta love this kid...

Nicole, Jessica, and Karlee are walking up to the Viper Roller Coaster ride at Magic Mountain. The sign is a pretty detailed picture of a snake with the word Viper across the head, fangs protruding.
Jessica: "Is a viper a snake?"
Karlee: "Yep."

Karlee and Jessica did my grocery shopping one day. My list called for hamburger meat. When Jess got to the meat case, nothing read hamburger meat.
Jessica: "Is ground beef hamburger meat?"
Karlee: "Yep."

Teaching your child to drive is already a rather stressful time for a parent but Jesus Christ!
Jessica: "Which one makes it go?" (referring to the pedals at her feet as she slides into the driver seat of my truck)
Mom: "Holy crap... we are switching seats."
Jessica: "No mom! Let me try!"
Mom: OK. The one at your right foot is the gas pedal."
Jessica: "So what's that thingy? " (pointing to the gear shift)
Mom: "Get out of the truck."

We were sitting in the parking lot at the DMV when I decided to make sure her paperwork was in order.
Mom: "Why did you mark Jr. in the suffix box next to your name on your driver's license permit?"
Jessica: "Because I'm a junior in high school!"

This is how we discovered why Jessica gets so lost driving around town.
Jessica: "Dad, how do I get to Corona high school?"
Dad: "Where are you?"
Jessica: "I'm on Foothill. Now I'm on Rimpau. Now I'm on Fullerton."
Dad: "So you turned right onto Fullerton?"
Jessica: "No. I didn't turn."
Dad: "So how'd you get to Fullerton?"
Jessica: "I passed the sign that said Fullerton!"

The One when Karlee runs from the knock at the door.

Dave and I went out last night leaving Jess and Kar home alone. Whether Karlee is by herself or has a sister or two with her, when we are out she hates when someone knocks at the door.

There's a knock at the door...

Karlee takes off to my bedroom scaring Jessica in the process.

There's another knock at the door...

Karlee dives into my bed, hiding under the covers while Jessica locks herself in my bathroom whispering from behind the door, "Karlee, come in here!"

There's yet another knock at the door...

Karlee lifts the covers slightly just enough so Jess can see her eyes, and asks, "Why does this always happen?" She slithers out of the bed and slowly makes her way to the front door in order to ever so quietly engage the lock.

She whispers to Jessica, "Who would be knocking at the door at... (looks at her cell phone)... 8o'clock?"

They never answered the door.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The One after Jessica visits the 99 cents store.

Jessica: "Did you know that everything at the 99 cents store is 99 cents?"
Dad: "Yes, Jessica."
Jessica: "Nuh uh! You don't even know dad!"

Mom: "You are so pretty!"